Široký výber atrakcií na prenájom pre vaše podujatie
Ponúkame prenájom rôznych atrakcií, ktoré dodajú vašim podujatiam jedinečnú atmosféru a zábavu. Naše atrakcie sú ideálne pre firemné akcie, festivaly aj súkromné oslavy, a postarajú sa o nezabudnuteľný zážitok pre deti aj dospelých.

Prenájom atrakcií s našou eventovou agentúrou je skvelým spôsobom, ako oživiť každé podujatie a ponúknuť hosťom interaktívnu zábavu.
Inflatable attractions
We offer and rent inflatable bouncing tracks, castles, slides, and fun attractions that will delight all the young participants at your events. Whether it's family celebrations, cultural events, or corporate family days, our jumping attractions guarantee great fun for all children. All jumping attractions are of the highest quality European standards and hold the EN14960 certificate.
As the only agency in Slovakia, we have a beautiful children's carousel in our portfolio. Whether it's birthday parties, weddings, festivals, or Christmas markets, the carousel is a perfect fit for every event. With a capacity of 20 children at once, it will bring smiles to all kids and parents.
MultiBall LED is an interactive sports and gaming console created for the interaction between physical activity and digital games. The MultiBall LED wall is an ideal choice for events of all types, whether indoor, outdoor, public, private, or corporate. This innovation guarantees fun and movement for all participants and will light up your event like never before.
Ferris wheel
Oživte vaše podujatie s naším ruským kolesom – jedinečnou atrakciou, ktorá dodáva neopakovateľný náboj každému eventu. Bez ohľadu na typ eventu – svadba, firemná akciu alebo verejné podujatie, naše ruské koleso prinesie špičkový zážitok pre vašich hostí.
Explore the world of driving with our Mobile Kids Driving School! Our agency provides a complete learning experience at any event, where little ones can undergo practical lessons and obtain their personalized driver's license.
Bring sustainability to your event with our unique 'Earth Without Waste' project. It consists of an eco-art exhibition, screening of environmental films, and activations of games designed to entertain and educate both children and adults about proper waste recycling.